Cork to Cobh 2018 Pre-Entries

*** Pre-entries close Tuesday September 25 at 8pm ***

With 10 days to go until Cork to Cobh 2018, we currently have 404 runners entered for this race. See full list in Excel / PDF. If you notice anything incorrect with your entry please email us at to let us know. This list will be updated periodically until the race.

A few things to note:

  • We need your age in advance so that you can be eligible for age category prizes. For women, this is from 35 and up and for men it’s from 40 and up.
  • A decent amount of entries on the website didn’t go through to completion on Paypal. You are not entered until we receive payment via Paypal. If you are having issues there, you can use the offline method at the link below.
  • If you enter as a registered runner but we cannot find you on our 2018 list, we will enter you as non-registered. Both are eligible for individual prizes but you won’t be eligible for team prizes. The list contains shows BHAA registered runners first.
  • The first batch of bibs will be posted out shortly. Again, if there is any discrepancy with our list here, please let us know.

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