Cork Simon Turkey Trot Results

* Update 14/12/2021 * 

Given the time of year, the Cork BHAA Committee have extended the prizes to the top 6. This means that Austin Murphy, Áine Murphy and Maggie Dunne are now among the winners. Congratulations and Kevin will be in touch. 

The results of the Cork Simon Turkey Trot for 2021 are now available online in Excel / PDF. It was great to see so many familiar faces again after a much curtailed year on the running front. Well done to Enda Kiernan, Sheila Stokes and Ned Ramsell who came closest to their predicted time. Kevin will be in touch regarding prizes. Around 2/3 of finishers had over-estimated their times for 3 miles so you should have more faith in your own ability!

Thank you to all runners who contributed so generously towards Cork Simon. The Cork BHAA were able to give €2,500 to this very worthy charity as a result.

Here’s looking forward to a more complete race calendar in 2022. We are currently finalising the race list but update will be posted to when it goes live.

We also have our AGM on January 13th at 8pm at the Address Hotel, formerly the Ambassador. We will heed any guidelines and restrictions that may be in place after Christmas but we will post an update here again closer to to the date.

Photos from Mick Dooley:

Video from the blustery start line: