Happy New Year

We at the Cork BHAA hope that you are enjoying the Christmas break and looking forward to a new season of running. With that in mind, the race calendar for 2023 is now available.  Please note that this is always subject to change so check back before every race.

We would also like to remind you to get your registrations in to us as early as possible. Note that all 2022 registered runners are still eligible for the first race which is the traditional ESB Cross Country in Blackrock on January 8.

Lost and Found

A Fota Island Fitness jacket was found at the last race. If this is yours you can collect from Kevin Cummins or at the next race.

A Musgrave running singlet was misplaced at the last race. If you found this, can you let us know by email or phone, see top of website for details.

Happy new year!