Race Notification: IFF 5k

After a false start, the first race of the new racing calendar is the IFF 5k on January 19th at 10am. Registration takes place in Little Island Sports Hall from 8.30am and the usual cost of entry is €5 for registered runners, €10 for non-registered runners.

Be sure to check if we have your registration by checking the list of Registered Runners in advance. Note, you must be registered 24 hours in advance of the race to be able to run as a registered runner. We cannot add you in on the morning of the race. Details on how to register are on our Register page and registration costs €15 per runner again this year.

Don’t forget that our AGM takes place during the week on Thursday at 8pm at the Silversprings Conference Centre. Last call for motions and committee nominations this evening to be sent to register@corkbhaa.com.