Our next race is the IFF-Dupont 5k in Little Island on Sunday January 22nd at 11am. Formerly called the FMC race, this 5k route has been amended to take account of the extra traffic and new roundabout in the area. The race will finish in Eastgate Business Park with almost 2 laps inside here instead of the usual single lap. To finish, you will cross between the two roads in the middle of this rectangle with the finishing line soon after. Note, final race route may be slightly different on the day but will be explained on the morning.
Making a list
Registration takes place at the Little Island Sports Hall from 9.30am. You will need to be registered in advance if you want to run as a registered runner. We cannot accept new registrations on the morning as it would hold up race entries. Registration need to get to us by Friday as this is always a busy time of year for us. Check the Registered Runners list in advance of the race to confirm we got your entries. All manual offline entries recently received by Kevin will be added on Thursday this week so check back then if you don’t see your name on the list. Send us an email to register@corkbhaa.com if you have any concerns.
As always, registration of €10 per runner must be paid in advance. We now accept bank transfers so just contact us by email and we will send on the details.
Reminder that you must send your Excel file to register@corkbhaa.com as well to get added to the database. Please use this file when submitting your details as it speeds up the process and avoids data errors on our part when dealing with a large number of entries at this time of year.